Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I struggle with breakfast. I want to start the day off on the right note but I am either too busy fixing the kids's breakfasts, drinks, school lunches, and other demands or I am not hungry enough. If I don't eat, I am ravenous and cranky by 10:30, so it is in everyone's best interest if I have breakfast. 
Teresa mentioned bagel thins and spray butter is her new breakfast of choice, so I gave them a try. They are delicious (she likes the cinnamon raisin but I prefer the everything flavor...I don't even like to be in the same room with raisins) and the switch from my usual fat-free coffee creamer to the sugar free variety was not even noticeable. It's nice to hear about new products and even nicer to love them when you buy them. The spray butter is a soy product and isn't as chemically laden as I expected it to be. It tastes great and it certainly better for me than the real butter I normally pile on (in the interest of my high cholesterol, this is most definitely a plus!). If you have any breakfast ideas, I'd love for you to share them with me (I don't like eggs all that much and am not really a fan of french toast...see why I was so excited about this?).

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